
WeChat Pay x ChinaAndWorld 我们已接入微信支付

We are announcing our official partnership with Tencent's WeChat Pay. Clients may now use WeChat Pay and it's affiliated solutions in correspondence with our platforms and services. Follow our account "ChinaAndWorld" on WeChat to get started. The tutorial will be in Chinese.



1. 點進公眾號的菜單進入“服務繳費”:
2. 也可以從介紹頁面進“服務繳費”:
3. 打開並等待收銀台載入
3. 填入訂單信息
4. 點擊“Pay Now”並等待微信支付載入
5. 輸入支付密碼完成支付
6. 支付成功!



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