GPT Query
Template Platform

The ChinaAndWorld GPT harnesses the power of world-leading large language models to boost your work efficiency by 10x.
Cutting-Edge General AI

GPT Language Model

GPT is a large language generation (LLM) capable of generating coherent and fluent text across a wide range of topics. ChinaAndWorld GPT uses globally leading models to provide safe and reliable efficiency-boosting tools for various industries and daily life. Based on the fully open ChinaAndWorld GPT template platform, it offers the public a secure, reliable, and cost-effective language model application.

Exponentially Lower Costs and Boost Efficiency

10x Efficiency Gains

From finance to technology, from cross-border e-commerce to biomedicine—large language models can automate 80% of the work. This includes industry research, strategic planning, customer service, document summarization, contract review, and thousands of other tasks, driving a 10x or greater boost in efficiency for businesses and industries, all while reducing costs.

Navigating Global Geopolitics with Reliability

Secure and Reliable

As international tensions rise, GPT bans have become commonplace, with even VPNs failing to avoid disruptions. ChinaAndWorld GPT integrates the most advanced language models from leading providers—including but not limited to Microsoft, Google, OpenAI, Alibaba, and Baidu—combining their strengths to ensure account safety, stable performance and smooth transitions across competitors.

Affordable and Transparent Pricing

Only $0.015

10 queries for just ¥1 (~$0.15). On the ChinaAndWorld GPT platform, you pay low prices for high-quality service, averaging just one cent per query.

Template-Based Queries

Asking the right question is an art. Most people don’t know how to frame effective, meaningful questions. With ChinaAndWorld GPT’s template tool, industry experts help you craft the perfect questions.

Explore All GPTs
Creators' Fund

Create query templates and earn from the Creators' Fund. Each time someone likes the results from your template, we give 80% of the earnings back to you as an incentive to help others ask better questions.

Contact Us for Withdraws

Video Overview (Chinese)

Let the industry’s most advanced AI model revolutionize your business.